Take pride in everything you do!

Nurudin Mudhir
3 min readSep 10, 2019

If being a corporate “sales guy” has taught me anything, it's people notice the little things.

It’s the little things that make you remember the name of the cashier that served you, the waiter that brought over your food and the customer service advisor that helped you over the phone.

The people that stand out in day2day experiences, are the people that take pride in their work. They get a buzz from doing their job well, and enjoy making other people's lives easier. Having worked in a customer service role myself, I know how being kind and thoughtful can make a difference to someone's day. Sometimes going that extra meter is more than enough, you don’t need to always go that extra mile.

I once had a guy on the phone complaining about a booking that he couldn't cancel, the terms and conditions of the booking clearly stated that once reserved no refunds. However, he spent a good 15 minutes complaining about how the terms and conditions were not fair etc, I listened and agreed with some of the points he mentioned (maybe I shouldn’t have) but they were good points. When he…



Nurudin Mudhir

Navigating my way through this lecture of self-consciousness, with an afternoon break of self-confidence and a tutorial on self-belief.